About Us

Having more than 25+ years of experience, Manish Jain and Co. has emerged as one of the foremost firms providing corporate, legal & secretarial services in India. With a team of professionals that have a wealth of experience in legal and secretarial services, we are able to cater to an array of client needs and expectations. With a constantly evolving legal, regulatory and business environment, we are determined to help our clients embrace change and stay ahead. Our client includes foremost Companies and Groups of Indore which includes listed and unlisted Companies and their subsidiaries.

Dedicated to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance and compliance, we are committed to ensuring transparent and effective communication between all levels of an organization. Our goal is to support strategic decision-making through meticulous administration and proactive legal and regulatory management.

Manish Jain and Co. is a proprietary concern of Manish Jain, LL.B. (Hons.) Fellow Member of ICSI, New Delhi and Associate Member of ICSA, London (UK), passed Insolvency Professional Exam and registered with Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India as Insolvency Professional, having more than 25 years post membership experience in the field of secretarial, legal, administration & finance.

Further our office infrastructure is well equipped with all necessary office automation and communication facilities which are required for legal and corporate services.

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